Study of Characteristics and Mechanism of Nitrogen Removal by Over-Storage - Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification
摘要: 对序批式生物膜法工艺中所表现出来的脱氮特性进行了探讨,并提出了过量储存-SND脱氮作用机理,厌氧段脱氮主要靠生物膜对含碳氮有机物的过量储存作用;好氧段脱氮主要靠生物膜的SND作用,反硝化的有机碳源主要为生物膜中在厌氧段过量储存的有机碳源.Abstract: The article discusses the characteristics of nitrogen removal in sequencing batch reactor of submerged biofilm process. It also elaborates the nitrogen removal mechanism of over-storage-SND. Nitrogen removal in the anaerobic phase depends largely on the over-storage function of the carbonaceous and nitrogenous organism by biofilm, and nitrogen removal in the aerobic phase depends on the SND function of biofilm. The organic carbon over-storaged in the anaerobic phase in the biofilm provides the major organic carbon in the process of denitrification.