Use of Zirconia Microcolumn for on Line Preconcentration in Flow Injection-ICP Atomic Emission Spectrometry
摘要: 水合氧化锆具有类似于活性氧化铝的化学行为,可作为微量柱预浓集的候选材料。本文对氧化锆微量柱用于等离个体光谱在线阳离子预浓集的可能性进行了研究。实验表明,氧化锆微量柱技术具有分离碱金属基体的能力,可作为2~3价元素非选择性预浓集方法。测得Cd(50μg/L)的预浓集因子为40。对各元素漏过点的容量范围为28~56μg/g(氧化锆)。Abstract: Zirconia, an amphoteric hydrous oxide, is a candidate material for microcolumn preconcentration since it functions as an ion exchange in a manner analogous to aluminium oxides. In this study the suitability of zireonia microcolumn for on-line multielement preconcentration in ICP spectrometry is assessed