
    Some Statistical Parameters in Molecular Evolution and Their Application

    • 摘要: 为在分子水平上快速精确地研究生物的进化关系,提出了分子进化研究中的几个常用统计量及其计算方法.根据这些统计量探测正选择作用,并确定特定基因的进化速度或年龄.这些统计量包括核苷酸同义替换数ds(Ks)、非同义替换数dn(Ka)、Ka/Ks、DNA多态性和遗传距离等.通过植物抗性基因的一个实例揭示了这些统计量在阐明进化机制过程中的重要性.


      Abstract: The precise evolution relationship and phylogenetic tree can be obtained with the aid of analyses and calculations of certain gene data. Some statistical parameters of molecular evolution were introduced and their application was explained, including Ka (nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions), Ks (synonymous nu-cleotide substitutions) and Ka/Ks. The other important parameters, for example DNA polymorphism and genetic distance, were also discussed. Based on these evolution statistical parameters, the positive selection and gene evolution speed could be determined. An example was used to reveal the evolution mechanism of plant resistant genes with analyses of three parameters.


