
    Analysis of Deformation Energy of Anti-shock Mobile Hard Disk Based on Subminiature Air Chamber Technology

    • 摘要: 为解决普通移动硬盘因不慎跌落损坏而易导致数据丢失的缺点,发明了一种新型的微气囊抗冲击移动硬盘,并对其进行了理论及试验研究.首先介绍了微气囊抗冲击移动硬盘的结构和工作原理;接着对移动硬盘跌落过程进行了理论分析,推导出了其变形能的计算表达式;最后设计了一套测量移动硬盘跌落时其纵向应变的试验装置,并对普通移动硬盘和微气囊抗冲击移动硬盘分别进行了试验研究.试验结果表明:微气囊抗冲击移动硬盘从2.5 m高度自由落下与地面撞击时的冲击变形能仅相当于普通移动硬盘从1 m高度跌落时的变形能,故微气囊抗冲击移动硬盘的抗冲击性能远优于普通移动硬盘的抗冲击性能.


      Abstract: Mobile hard disk may be damaged and lose its data because of falling to ground incautiously.To solve this problem,a new mobile hard disk based on subminiature air chamber technology was developed,and theoretical and experimental analysis were applied to it.The structure and working principle of the mobile hard disk based on subminiature air chamber technology was introduced firstly;Then theoretical analysis was applied to the falling process of the disk,and formula for calculating the deformation energy of the disk was derived;Finally,a new experimental equipment which could measure the portrait strain value was designed,and experiments were applied to the normal mobile disk and the anti-shock mobile disk,respectively.The experimental results reveal that when the anti-shock hard disk falling from 2.5 m to ground,its deformation energy equals to that when the normal hard disk falls from 1 m high,thus proves that the anti-shock performance of the anti-shock mobile hard disk is better than that of normal one.


