
    A Study of Constraint Inductive Logic Programming

    • 摘要: 提出并讨论了从正负例和背景知识学习含有约束的一阶谓词公式的约束归纳逻辑程序设计方法.该方法以国际上具有代表性的ILP系统Progol为基础,加入我们自己的学习约束的新方法,在不需要用户诱导的情况下,经过对正负例的比较与推导,学习出覆盖正例而排斥负例的含约束的Horn子句程序,同时介绍了这个ILP系统的实现算法和应用实例.


      Abstract: A novel approach to learning first order logic formula with constraints from positive and negative examples and background knowledge is presented. Adding with our new method to learn constraints to the ILP system Progol, the new system can derive a CLP program, covering all positive examples and consistent with all negative examples, by comparison between the positive and negative examples, without the user's hint and intervention. This paper presents this new CILP system and some experiments, and points out some directions of the future research.


