A Recommendation-based Peer-to-Peer Trust Model
摘要: 提出了一种基于推荐的信任模型,并给出该模型的数学表述和分布式实现方法.它根据节点的交互经验和其他节点的推荐,做出对对方行为的评价和预测,此模型建立在完全分布的P2P体系结构上,能很好地激励用户提供反馈,遏制节点的不诚实行为.分析及仿真表明:该信任模型可以有效地防止恶意节点的串谋信任攻击,解决了新进入节点的信任这一信任问题,确保了P2P网络的安全.Abstract: The open and anonymous nature of a P2P network makes an ideal medium for many applications.The peers are not willing to be responsible for their historical behavior because of lack of supervisor;and it's not easy to set up a trust mechanism in a traditional way to solve the problem during the transaction.In this paper,we proposed a recommendation-based trust model,and introduce some feathers to implement the trust in P2P networks.A peer's trust value is calculated according to the interacting experience and recommendation obtained from other peers.Compared with some existing models,our approach can stimulate the feedback and decrease the dishonest behaviors efficiently.The computer simulation results show that the trust model can prevent the attack of malicious peers' recommendation.Meanwhile,it solves new peer's trust problem and strengthen network security.