
    Automatic Generation of Finite Element Triangular Mesh for Arbitrarily Shaped Planar Regions

    • 摘要: 基于Delaunay三角化技术,提出了一种对任意平面区域生成三角形网格的全自动生成算法.此算法具有网格质量好,区域适应性强,自动化程度高等优点 算法还包括了网格的均匀化及加密处理等.通过利用ARX对AutoCAD进行二次开发实现了该算法,大量算例也证明了此算法的可靠性和适用性.


      Abstract: Based on the Delaunay triangulation method, this paper presents an automatic triangular mesh generation algorithm for arbitrarily shaped planar regions. This algorithm has the advantages of adaptation to complicate boundaries, high quality boundary mesh and full automation. Approaches such as topological refinement and smoothing are incorporated. The algorithm has been realized through redeveloping autoCAD by ARX. Great many examples are included to demonstrate the reliability and practicability of the algorithm.


