
    Plan of the 29th Olympic Games' Transport Emergency Management System

    • 摘要: 以保障北京奥运交通系统可靠性为目的,结合奥运交通紧急事件管理系统规划研究了智能交通系统体系框架的开发方法.从组织机构、道路、人员、车辆等角度研究了建设奥运交通紧急事件管理系统的基础条件.利用智能交通系统框架开发软件TurboArchitecture,按照识别用户服务、确定智能交通系统要素和确定功能模块的步骤开发了奥运紧急事件管理系统的体系框架.制订了交通阻塞、轻微交通事故、严重交通事故和奥运专用车辆故障等紧急事件的处理预案.


      Abstract: In order to guarantee the reliability of the Olympic transportation system of Beijing in 2008, plan of the Olympic transport emergency management system is studied, and the method to build Intelligent Transportation Systems architecture is studied. The bases to develop the Olympic Games' transport emergency management system, such as administrant institution, road, personnel and vehicle are studied. Using Turbo architecture, which is software that can help build intelligent transportation systems (ITS) architecture, the architecture of the system is built in the process of identifying user service, ascertaining ITS elements and market packages. The count measures for emergencies such as traffic jam, traffic accident and malfunction of vehicle are given.


