
    A New Method of Measuring the Radius of Gaussian Laser Beam

    • 摘要: 本文提出一种用圆孔光(门东)测量激光高斯光束光斑半径的新方法。高斯光束光强的横向分布I=(2P0)/(πω2)exp(-(2r2)/(ω2)),由此P=∫00RI=(2P0)/(πω2)exp(-(2r2)/(ω2))rdrdθ,式中P0是高斯光束总功率,P是经过光(门东)的激光功率,R是圆孔光(门东)的半径,ω是1/e2光斑半径。测量出P0PR以后,可以得到高斯光束光斑半径W=√-(2)/(ln(1-P/P0))R


      Abstract: In this paper, a new method of measuring the radius of Gaussian laser beam with circular diaphragm is reported. The intensity distritution ofGaussian beam is given by I=(2P0)/(πω2)exp(-(2r2)/(ω2)) and theseby P=∫00R(2P0)/(πω2)exp(-(2r2)/(ω2))rdrdθ,式中P0. In which P0 is the total laser power, P is the tran-smissive laser power behind the diaphragm, R is the radius of the diaphragm and w is the 1/e2 beam radius After P0, P and R are measured,he beam radius may be obtained by W=√-(2)/(ln(1-P/P0))R.


