
    Data Transmission and Caching Method for Terrain Rendering on Network

    • 摘要: 为了解决网络地形漫游时的连续性问题,缓解网络数据拥塞时的数据供应压力,通过分析地形几何数据与流媒体数据在组织方式及漫游时数据预取方向的不同,结合基于GPU的绘制技术,设计了新的地形数据传输及缓存方法.该方法根据客户端处理能力及网络性能划分地块的粒度,由客户端生成多分辨率地形并缓存部分数据,降低绘制数据对网络性能的依赖.在运行时刻根据视点位置确定周围地块的传输规则,使各地块数据的传输量根据运动方向进行自适应调整,保证了漫游时绘制的连续性,大大提升了网络地形绘制的性能和效果.


      Abstract: To keep the continuity of the terrain rendering on network,by exploiting the distinct difference on data layout and data prefetching direction between terrain and streaming media,and combining the terrain rendering technology on GPU proposed recently,the authors design a new transmission and caching method for terrain rendering on network.In this method,the granular of single terrain block coded with wavelet zerotree is decided according to the client capability and network bandwidth and the multi-resolution representation of the rendered terrain is constructed by clients,which can reduce the dependency between rendered data and network bandwidth.The transmission quantity of each terrain block around the viewpoint is designed to be adaptively adjusted according to the viewpoint positions to make the rendering continuous. At the same time,a caching method which stores terrain blocks around the viewpoints is designed for the client to guarantee the data continuance when the network is congested.This method can improve the performance and effect of the terrain rendering on network greatly.


