基于System C系统级的语音识别系统性能分析库函数的设计

    Design of the Library Function of Performance Analysis on Speech Recognition Based on System C

    • 摘要: 在嵌入式系统的建模和性能分析过程中,经常需要定量地分析和评估系统的平均延迟、CPU占用率等性能指标.本文基于System C语言,针对System C没有系统级的性能分析库函数的问题,设计了一套性能分析评估的库函数,用于统计性能参数样本、计算期望值和置信区间,同时在性能指标满足要求精度时终止仿真.通过对仿真结果的分析,设计的库函数适用于嵌入式语音识别系统的性能分析,并可以用于基于System C的复杂嵌入式系统的性能分析评估.


      Abstract: In the process of embedded system modeling and performance evaluation, the performance indicators, such as average delay, CPU occupancy rate etc., are often need to be evaluated.In this paper, the library functions of performance evaluation based on System C language have been designed, and the problem that it could not evaluate the performance at system-level based-on system C has been solved.The library functions are designed for evaluating performance parameters, calculating expectations and confidence interval, and terminating the simulation when the performance indicators meet the accuracy requirements. The library functions can be used in performance evaluation of embedded speech recognition system by evaluating the simulation results, as well as in performance evaluation of the complex embedded system based on System C.It is of great value for extending the library of System C.


