Java Bean与GUI组件数据绑定模型

    A Data Binding Model Between Java Bean and GUI Components

    • 摘要: 针对数据库可视化开发过程中应用的数据绑定组件模型的限制,提出了一种JavaBean之间的数据绑定模型.在这种模型下,进行数据绑定的双方符合JavaBean规范,通过绑定实现自我感知、自我更新及导航等功能.在数据库应用开发中,可以通过这种模型将GUI组件与符合Bean规范的任意封装形式的DAO进行绑定,以突破传统数据库可视化开发过程中只可以进行GUI组件与行集封装形式的DAO之间相互绑定的限制.


      Abstract: To the restriction of the data binding model in visual database development, a data binding model between Java Beans is investigated. Based on this model, the both sides of data binding could be any components that follow the Java Bean specification, and meanwhile could be provided with the capabilities of self-aware, self-updateable and navigateable. In database development, the data binding could only be traditionally applied between GUI components and DAOs which are encapsulated in the form like row set. The original restriction can be broken through by applying this model that has the ability of binding between GUI components and DAOs which follow the bean specification and are encapsulated in any form.


