
    Boundary Variational Principles of the Boundary Element Method

    • 摘要: 基于固体力学的非古典(分区或称修正)变分原理的基础上,在元素边界上采用独立的构造待解函数,形成了各类非古典变分原理和边界元法的边界变分原理。基于各类变分原理在进行离散分析时,可以建立求解待解函数的离敌方程,并形成各种类型的边界元法。这些边界元法有3个特点。其一是边界元法与有限元法有机的结合起来,便于采用区域——边界元法;其二是在整个区域内,化有限元法为边界元法的方式是多样的;其三是便于寻求满定区域内部的微分方程的解(基本解)。


      Abstract: At present, the boundary element method is applied to solid mechanics, structure engineering and non-structure problem. Scientists are interested in this problem. Based on the non-classical (snbregion or modified) variational principles for solid mechanics, we established the non-classical variational principles for the region form and the boundary variational principles of the boundary element method applied calculus of variation. Yet the unknown functions in the subregions with boundaries are independent of one another. The boundary variational principle is a natural development for the variational principles with the region form.


