Delay of Bus Rapid Transit at a Bus Stop
摘要: 为了分析快速公交车辆进出停靠站的延误时间, 利用人工调查法和视频采集法采集济南市BRT-1号线的数据, 建立了车辆进、出站延误时间和车辆停靠时间模型, 并对进出停靠站延误时间进行推导.计算结果表明:乘客人均上车时间和人均下车时间并不相等, 乘客人均上车时间大于乘客人均下车时间;车内乘客密度对乘客上车时间和停靠时间有正相关影响, 对乘客下车时间没有影响;如果没有乘客上下车, 车辆进出停靠站平均延误时间最小为12.5 s.Abstract: To analyze the delay of bus rapid transit (BRT) at a bus stop, the data of line BRT- 1 at Jinan city was collected by manual counts and video capture to model deceleration/acceleration and dwell time. Then the delay time at the bus stop was computed.Resultsshow that the time boarding per passenger is longer than alighting. There is positive correlation between density of passengers in BRT and time boarding per passenger as well as lost time at the stop. The delay time of BRT at the bus stop is at least 12.5 seconds.