
    Mechanism of Activated Reaction in Preparing of Desulfurizer

    • 摘要: 研究了煤制脱硫剂制备过程中活化反应的机理。通过活化反应产物的分析以及传质阻力计算,予测出活化反应主要是水蒸气分子和煤在碳化时所吸附的碳氢化物分子的反应,这种反应使得脱硫剂微孔内表面"净化",从而提高比表面积和吸附容量。


      Abstract: The mechanism of activated reaction in preparing of desulfurizer, from coal Was studied. By analysing reaction products and calculating the mass transfer resistance, the mechanism of activated reaction was the reaction of water with hydrocarbon molecules which were expelled during carbonization process and adsorbed on the surface of micro-pores of particles. As a result of the reaction, the surface of micropores of the desulfurizer was cleaned, and the specific surface area and adsorp-tive capacity of the desulfurizer were improved.


