
    Gain and Phase Calibration of Sensor Arrays for Underwater 3-D Sonar Imaging System Based on TSI Direction Finding

    • 摘要: 针对水下三维摄像声纳系统的大型均匀矩形阵列, 提出了一种基于三步迭代(three-step-iteration, TSI)方位估计的幅相误差校正方法.该方法使用1个方位未知的远场校正源, 首先采用一种新的TSI方位估计算法, 获得对校正源方位的鲁棒估计;然后根据该方位估计结果和采样数据协方差矩阵, 估计阵列的幅相误差.利用该方法估计得到的幅相误差参数, 可使三维摄像声纳在存在阵列幅相误差的条件下仍提供良好的探测性能.通过仿真实验, 对该方法和基于数据协方差矩阵Toeplitz-block特性的方法进行了比较研究.实验结果表明:该方法能处理Toeplitzblock方法无法解决的大阵列相位误差问题, 同时小信噪比条件下的性能也有明显改善.


      Abstract: A new calibration method for gain and phase errors in uniform rectangle arrays for underwater 3-D sonar imaging systems is presented. By setting a calibrator source at an unknown position in the far field, an efficient and fast three-step-iteration (TSI) algorithm is first proposed to provide a robust direction estimator in the presence of gain and phase errors. The gain and phase errors are then estimated based on the obtained direction estimation and the sampled spatial covariance matrix. With the obtained estimation of array errors, the 3-D sonar imaging systems can perform well even when the gain and phase errors exist. The calibration performance is compared with the Toeplitz-block-based approach through simulation. Experiment results show that the proposed method can achieve better performance when the SNR is small, and remains to be effective under large phase error conditions where the Toeplitz-block-based approach cannot work.


