Optimal Control for a Class of Switched Discrete System
摘要: 为了解决一类切换离散系统最优控制问题,针对系统切换次数固定且性能指标为二次型的情况,基于动态规划原理的思想,将多级决策问题转化为多个单级决策问题.利用遗传算法搜索使性能指标达到极小的切换时刻,得到了切换离散系统最优控制的全局解析解.数字算例验证了算法的可行性,对于此类切换离散系统最优控制问题可以转化为搜索问题得以解决.Abstract: The optimal control problem of the switched system,which subsystem is discrete linear system,is investigated.In the conditions of the given switched number and the quadratic performance function,the multi-periods decision-making problem can be resolved by being transformed into single decision-making problem.Genetic algorithm is used to search the switched instant to mimimize the performance function so that the optimal control problem of the switched discrete system can he obtain a analytic solution in global.A numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the design approach.The simulation shows that the approach can resolve the optimal control problem of a kind of switched discrete.