
    On the Relegation of Rural Land Ownership

    • 摘要: 近年来,随着经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,城市郊区和沿海地区的农村土地不断增值,一些地方政府利用农村土地所有权主体不清的特点,不断侵夺农民利益,使本已严重的三农问题雪上加霜.因此,必须明晰土地所有权的归属,把土地的收益权真正归还给农民.农民应拥有土地的永久使用权,并可以对之进行买卖、租赁、抵押等.国家作为社会的管理者,对土地拥有最终所有权.


      Abstract: With economy developing and urbanization stepping out, rural land of suburb and littoral perpetual increase in value. Some local government trespass the behalf of peasant constantly, making use of blurry ownership of rural land. In order to solve this problem, the adscription of rural land ownership must be defini-tuded. Peasant should have the land perpetuity and can deaK rent and mortagage for it. The state has the ultimately ownership of land.


