
    An Analysis of Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in China

    • 摘要: 通过对两组经济变量的实证分析,说明我国尽管与西方国家存在各种体制上的差异,但经过一些技术处理后,仍然能发现国民经济的增长与货币供应量的增长之间存在明显的相关关系,尽管政府为刺激经济出台了多项措施,但效果却并不明显.其中原因有待对这一问题广泛而深入的探讨.


      Abstract: This paper explores that, despite of the distinctions among China and those developed countries, the positive correlation between the GDP growth rate and monetary aggregates does exist in China. Many discretionary fiscal and monetary policies have been taken to stimulate economic growth in recent years, but the effects don't stand out as some experts anticipated. As for the intrinsic mechanism, it needs some further and deeper studies. Thus, this paper is meant to stimulate discussion, not to be the final word on anything.


