The Analysis and Synthesis System for the designing of Mechanical Construction Units--MSAT Soft-wear
摘要: 论述了应用于机械结构设计分析与综合的软件系统(MSAT)的性能和特点。该系统采用非线性二次规划法,以"设计灵敏度分析"为基本理论,把最优化技术和有限元理论结合起来,为加快运算速度,采取了若干加速设计的措施,经实际应用证明,该系统效率高、精度好,是机械结构理论设计的有效工具。Abstract: MSAT is an analysis and synthesis software particulariy for the designing of mechanical construction units. Its performance and characteristica are specifically introduced in this paper. On the basis of "the Design Sensitivity AnalyAnalysis", a non-linear quadratic programming is adopted to the "MSAT", So as to make full use of the technology of Optimization and the finite Element Methods.Also a series of measures are taken to Speed up the calculation. It is well approved that the "MSAT" is an effective tool in practice. It works efficiently and accurately for mechanical construction unit design.