ID-based Chameleon Hash Scheme and Signature Without Key Escrow
摘要: 提出了一个基于身份的无密钥托管的变色龙hash函数.它在保持基于身份的变色龙hash函数的原有性质的同时,解决了基于身份体制中固有的密钥托管问题:即在该方案中,私钥产生中心(PKG)无法计算变色龙hash函数的碰撞.在此基础上,进一步使用基于身份的无密钥托管的加密方案和签名方案,实现了基于身份的无密钥托管的变色龙签名,保证了PKG无法伪造对应的变色龙签名.最后,证明了该方案满足抗碰撞性、语义安全性、消息隐藏特性和无密钥托管性.Abstract: An identity-based chameleon hash function without the key escrow problem is proposed. It not only achieves all the desired security properties of the traditional identity-based chameleon hashing but also removes the inherent escrow problem of identity-based systems. That is, the private key generator (PKG) can not find a collision of our proposed identity-based chameleon hash function. Moreover, an identity-based chameleon signature without the key escrow problem is given by adoption of the identity-based encryption and the identitybased signature without the key escrow. Besides, a security proof of the proposed chameleon hashing and signature scheme is given, showing that these schemes without the key escrow are collision resistance, semantically securand message hiding.