
    Research and Implementation of Fast Configuration for Pipeline Connection in 3D Monitor Scene

    • 摘要: 针对三维组态过程中, 设备间管道连接难度大、耗时长等问题, 在虚拟监控场景组态运行原型系统中, 研究并实现了三维管道的快速连接组态方法.该方法在方便准确获取管道起止端口位置信息的基础上, 提供给用户2种管道路径生成方式及3种路径生成策略, 并通过对单位管道预制模型的自动缩放和调入, 免除了管道模型在位姿调整上的时间浪费, 有效降低了监控场景构建的难度, 完善并提高了组态平台快速准确构建场景的功能和效率.


      Abstract: Aiming at solving the complicated and time-consuming configuration problems of 3D pipeline on the 3D configuration software, based on the prototype system of configuration software, the author try to optimize a 3D pipeline configuration solution.The new solution provides facile and effective operations to obtain the positions of the pipeline's start point and end point, and then builds two modes, thus proposes three strategies for 3D pipeline configuration.By using the unit prefab pipeline model, it will be possible to save time and improve efficiency in constructing industry monitor scene.


