
    Synchronizing Modulation of Two RF Drivers in a Two-Nd: YAG-rod Resonator

    • 摘要: 论述了在两个YAG棒谐振腔内,用两个中小功率(最大50W)的声光电源驱动的两个声光器件进行调制,得出了两个驱动电源被同步控制改造前后,分别插入谐振腔内的实验结果.实验表明,进行同步控制改造后,平均功率比同步前大约提高了一倍,最大功率超过100W.


      Abstract: Two AO modulators driven synchronisticaly by two lower power RF drivers are arranged in a resonator for the purpose of increasing the avenge power of AO Q-switched Nd: YAG laser. Upon synchronizing reform the experiments with two RF drivers are conducted, which shows that the average power of AO Q-switehed Nd:YAG laser is about twice as much as before: The maximum average power is over 100W.


