
    The Optimum Design of Acoustooptic Devices Using the First Beam Steering

    • 摘要: 本文通过由富氏变换求超声波角谱的方法得到了计算一级超声跟踪声光器件声光互作用频率响应的普遍公式,详尽分析了六个参数的数值变化对频响曲线形状的影响,提出了按对频响曲线形状的要求分别确定六个参数数值的完整方法,并用计算机作出了优化选择,从而对取平面结构和两种阶梯结构的体波和表面波声光器件完成了优化设计,所得结果远佳于以往文献上所发表的结果。文中还讨论了在工艺上实现设计参数时所应达到的精度。


      Abstract: Through the determination of the angular spectrum of the ultrasonic waves by Fourier transformation, a general formula for calculating the acoustooptic interaction frequency response of AO devices using the first beam steering has been derived. After a full analysis of the effect of the six parameters on the shape of the frequency response curve, a systematic method which determines the values of these six parameters according to the requirements on the shape of the frequency response curve has been proposed. The optimum values of these parameters have been determined for all interested cases on a computer. Thus we completed the optimum design of bulk and thin-film AO devices with planar configuration and two different kinds of step configurations. The results obtained are much better than those published in previous literatures. The accuracy which should be reached for these optimum values in manufacture is also discussed.


