
    Encrypt & Crack Technology in Information Security

    • 摘要: 为了确保互联网的安全,国际上采用公共密钥基础设施(Pubic Key Infrastructure,PKI)为电子商务的开展提供安全基础平台.本文完成了PKI算法的实现,通过认证服务进行身份识别与鉴别,通过数字签名实现数据完整性服务.该算法既可以提供实体认证,又可以保障被签名数据的完整性,通过采用“数字信封”机制提供PKI的保密性服务.


      Abstract: To ensure the Internet security, the authors have achieved the realization of the Public Key Infras-tructure(PKI) which is used popularly in the world. In the realization of PKI, using authentication service of integrality, it can not only provide the entity authentication, but also protect the integrality of signature. By using a digital envelop, it provides service of the PKI security.


