TP-CBS A Non-invasive Dynamic and Automatic Detection System for the Blood flow Parameters of Cardiovascular System
摘要: 提出一种以桡动脉脉搏波分析为基础、无损伤的心血管血流参数微机检测系统介绍了系统构成及主要特点,桡动脉信息的采集、分离、分析、处理的方法。并以临床应用及动物试验实例,证实了该系统的实用意义。Abstract: A microcomputer detective system based on analysis of radial pulse wave and non-invasive for the blood flow paramenters of cardiovascular system is presented. In this article the form of system, main feature and the mehtod of collection, separation, analysis, process for message of radial arteries are introduced. And are given some examples of analysis, clinical practice and animal experiment to prove practical significance of the system.