
    Verification of Tellegen's Theorem

    • 摘要: 本文提出了一种用电动系功率表验证特勒根定理的新方法,并且证明了这种方法不仅在直流和正弦交流电源激励的网络中可以应用,同时也适用于同频率非正弦波形电源激励的网络。


      Abstract: In this paper a new method of using a wattmeter electrodynamometer to verify the Tellegen's theorem is presented. It is proved that this me-thod can be applied not only to networks excited by dc or sinusoidal ac sources, but also to networks excited by the same periodic non-sinusoi-dal sources. Detailed experimental information of the general case of excitation, by same periodic non-sinusoidal sources is also provided. The experime-ntal results fully verify the validity of this new method.


