Experimental Study for Noninvasive Monitoring of Hyperthermia Based on Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization of B-mode
摘要: 为了发展实用的临床监控技术,在原理分析的基础上设计实验系统,研究热疗中生物组织B超特征参数的变化.采用水域和微波介入2种加热方式,获取温热疗法和高温原位灭活治疗过程中动物肝脏的B超图像,利用图像处理方法提取不同温度下的组织B超特征参数,并分析其温度相关性.实验结果表明:组织B超图像参数(灰度、梯度、功率谱密度、纹理结构等)随着温度变化而变化,图像灰度与组织温度间具有较好的线性相关性,利用这种相关性可实现热疗中深部组织温度的无创检测.Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study a kind of new ultrasonic method for hyperthermia monitoring. It is a noninvasive method based on ultrasonic tissue characterization of B-mode.The experiments were carried out on in-vitro animal tissues that were heated by hot water and microwave coagulation,and a series of B-mode ultrasonic images of liver were obtained over the temperature.Then the images were processed to extract some character parameters at different temperatures,and the temperature correlations of these ultrasonic tissue character parameters were calculated.It has been found that some parameters varied in accordance with the temperature changes in the heated tissues,and the average gray value in B-mode ultrasonic images of the heated liver has linear relation with the temperature.Experiment results show that this noninvasive technique is feasible.