
    Leading-force in Process of Inelastic Collision and Relativistic Quantity of Heat of Ideal Gas System

    • 摘要: 为了澄清匀速的受热物体是否接受引导力与引导功,从狭义相对论中物理量的时空属性出发,分析了匀速物体在受热过程中总动量的变化,指出了因改变静质量而产生四维类时引导力的客观事实.在实验室参考系建立三维引导力与引导功的概念,研究了两物体非弹性碰撞过程.用热力学定律计算了其中的引导功与相对论热量,得出了微元碰撞过程中热量收缩的结果.把四维动量守恒方程应用于理想气体的多体系统,计算出整体封闭系统的运动热量的收缩因子,从而进一步证实了相对论热力学的P-E理论.


      Abstract: In order to clarify whether heated object moving in homogeneous velocity receives leading-force and leading-work, the changes of total momentum of heated object at uniform velocity is analyzed from space-time attribute of physical quantity in special relativity, and the objective fact of producing time-like leading-force 4-vector only because of changing proper-mass is pointed out. The concepts of leading-force and leading-work in laboratory-reference-system are established and the process of inelastic collision between two bodies is examed. Using thermodynamic law, the leading-force, leading-work, and relativistic quantity of heat are calculated. We find that the relativistic quantity of heat is contractive than proper quantity of heat in infinitesimal process. 4-momentum-conservation equation is used in manybody system of ideal gas, and the contractive factor √1 - v2/c2 of the motion quantity of heat of closed global system is evaluated. It is exactly consistent with that of Planck-Einstein school. This result further validates P-E theory in relativistic thermodynamics.


