
    Upon the Market Oriented Economical Dwelling and the Effective Steps to the Real Estate Market

    • 摘要: 在香港与内地服务产业链房地产比较研究基础上,针对内地房地产市场启动问题,从降低房地产总成本、经济性住宅的市场定位、政府角色、完善房地产二级市场结合倒抵押贷款方式的运用等角度,探讨了以房地产市场启动带动相关经济增长的问题.


      Abstract: It has been four years since 1995 that the chinese real estate market came into the predicament. Though the real estate market starting to bring along the relative field, such as building materials field and fit up field in drder to resch the goal to first start in the new economical increase period. It is also the focus by the goverment and many investors. in order to resolve the difficult question how to transform the demand to the real purchase. Ithink that we should take some effective step.


