
    Teacher's Roles in the New Teaching Model

    • 摘要: 探讨了新教学模式下高校英语教师的角色转换问题,指出在新的教学模式下,教师的角色也随之发生了变化,传授知识的职能逐渐淡化,更多地担当起指导者、组织监控者、激发者的角色.适应新形势扮演好多重职业角色是促进教学改革的关键.


      Abstract: With the introduction and application of multimedia computer and information technology in the classroom teaching, college English teaching models, methods, teaching materials have undergone great changes. A brand-new model has been adapted in our university: the combination of autonomous learning with teacher's guidance and classroom instruction. This model not only makes full use of computer, campus-based internet resources and multimedia courseware, but also fully employs the essential parts of classroom teaching. Subsequently teachers' roles also change in line with it. This paper will examine the multi-fold roles of guide, prompter, organizer and assessor teachers are going to play in the new model in order to adjust to the new learning and teaching situation and carry the college English teaching reform to a new stage.


