On the Exterior Space Environment Design of Hospital
摘要: 为适应现代医疗理念赋予医院建筑室外空间环境的新内容,纵观国内外医院建筑室外环境设计的变化与发展,均呈现出“走向自然”的趋势.医院建筑室外空间在功能不断完善的基础上,更好地与自然相融合,将营造出更佳的环境品质.Abstract: In order to meet the needs of exterior environment of modern hospitals,by taking an overally view of the situation in modern medical treatment ideas,the designs,both domestic and overseas,nowadays,all present the trend of leading nature.With the funetional improvement of outdoor environments,the harmony between the environment and nature will result in much better performance.