Arithmetic for Camera Calibration Based on Epipolar Geometry and Active Vision
摘要: 针对实际物体三维重建中摄像机标定的特点,运用主动视觉原理和对极几何约束,推导出包括摄像机内外参数并能评价标定结果好坏的目标函数,采用遗传算法求其最小得到标定结果.该方法只需控制摄像机作1次共面的平移运动,对硬件设备没有特殊要求.实验结果表明,该算法在估计精度和鲁棒性方面有较大提高,操作方便,可很好地应用到三维重建系统中.Abstract: The aim of this paper is to propose an efficient solution to the problem of the camera calibration.This method is based on the epipolar geometry constraintand active vision.At the same time,the evaluation object function containing the intrinsic parameters of the camera is obtained.The intrinsic parameters of the camera are optimized directly by the genetic algorithm.The proposed method only needs one time translation of the camera and doesn't require any specialized hardware support.Simulations and experiments with real images show that the technique can substantially improve the robustness,convenience and accuracy of the calibration.It works well in the 3D reconstruction system.