
    Discrete Analysis Principles for the Problem of Creep Theory

    • 摘要: 在势能率密度新型数学形式与采用分片构造待解函数的基础上,应用数学中的变分方法,及分片构造待解函数与变分原理之间的互补原则,建立了蠕变流动理论的离散分析的原理——有限元型、区域型、伽略金型、边界型。这些原理为近似法或数值法解决蠕变流动理论问题提供了理论基础。为编制大型通用程序系统提供建立离散方程的统一方法。


      Abstract: Based on new forms of the density of potential energy rate and the unknown functions of piecewise construction and with the complementary rule between the variational principles and the unknown functions of piecewise construction, we have established the principles of the discrete analysis for the creep theory——the finite element form, the region form, Galerkin's form and the boundary form. These principles are fundamentals of the approximate solution and numerical solution for the problem of the creep theory. They also provide us with universal way to establish the discrete equations for large general program system.


