Electron Spin Resonance Study in Perovskite Manganite La0.9 Sb0.1 MnO3
摘要: 制备了电子掺杂钙钛矿锰氧化物庞磁电阻材料La0.9Sb0.1MnO3,并在不同温度测量了La0.9Sb0.1MnO3的电子自旋共振谱.观察到La0.9Sb0.1MnO3体系存在相分离现象,实验证明,这种电子掺杂的锰氧化物具有复杂的磁结构,随温度升高样品逐渐由铁磁态向顺磁态转变,在220~260K的过渡温区,样品的磁状态最复杂,存在铁磁、顺磁多个磁相共存的现象.通过分解电子自旋共振的积分吸收谱,分析了La0.9Sb0.1MnO3样品磁性随温度的演变过程,并讨论了电子掺杂锰氧化物的磁不均匀性和相分离现象.Abstract: The electron spin resonance(ESR) spectra of electron-doped La0.9Sb0.1MnO3 with colossal magnetoresistance effect have been studied in this paper.The ESR results demonstrate that there is magnetic phase separation and complex magnetic structure.The compound changes from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic state gradually with increasing temperature.Ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases coexist in the wide transitional temperature range.The ESR absorption spectra have been fitted by Lorentzian curves and the magnetic phase evolvement with temperature has been analyzed.