
    Personality Human Animation in Virtual Reality System

    • 摘要: 为了提高人体动画的可信度,通过建立个性模型、情感模型和情绪模型来体现虚拟人的性格特征和情感状态,并改进了感知权重的计算方法.性格特征和虚拟人在场景中的空间位置信息决定虚拟人对虚拟场景的感知结果以及因感知而产生的情感和情绪的变化,新的情感状态带动了虚拟人行为动作的改变.最终的动画效果体现出空间位置对情感生成的影响以及个性差别和情感变化对行为动作产生的影响.


      Abstract: In order to improve the credibility of the human animation, personality model, emotion model and mood model, are designed to represent personal characteristic and emotional states. And a reformative method for computing perception weights is proposed. Among the three models, virtual human's perception at the virtual scene is determined by the personality model and the spatial position, and it also changes the avatar's emotion and mood models, while the changed emotion and mood models alters the behaviors of the virtual human. The updated emotional state motivates the virtual human to react to the scene. Applying this modeling technology and related mapping method to virtual reality system is helpful to synthesizing new motions by calculating emotion model rapidly. In the final animation effects, the authors can find out the influences of spatial position on emotion update, emotion to behavior change and the diversification of different avatar.


