Parking Berth Scale Optimization Based on Road Network Capacity Restriction
摘要: 针对目前停车规划中很少考虑道路网络容量限制的情况,建立了基于路网容量约束的停车设施泊位规模优化模型.该模型考虑道路网络容量对停车需求的限制和约束,通过各处停车设施规模的优化,引导停车需求合理分布,以充分利用道路网络资源,实现效益与公平性最大化.该模型优化目标为在满足道路网络容量约束下使得效益(即可满足的停车需求)最大,并通过用户平衡模型计算流量在道路网络上的分配,介绍了用遗传算法对模型求解的方法.数值算例表明,通过优化建模与求解,可得到各处停车设施的最佳泊位规模,并得到满足路网容量约束的合理停车需求分布.Abstract: Aiming at the fact of seldom considering the restriction of road network capacity in parking planning,a parking berth scale optimization model based on the road network capacity restriction is set up.This model takes into account the restriction of road network capacity on parking demands,can lead parking demands to a reasonable distribution through the berth scale optimization of all parking plots to fully utilize road resources and maximize benefits and equities.The target of the model is to maximize benefits (i.e.,the total parking demands satisfied) under the constraint of road network capacity,and the user equilibrium traffic assignment model is used to calculate traffic flow assignment on road networks.The solution method of the model is introduced using genetic algorithms.A numerical example shows that the optimal berth scale of all parking plots can be obtained by solving the optimization model and the reasonable parking demand distribution can also be induced.