Network Traffic Behavior Pattern and Flow Classification
摘要: 网络流行为描述是网络异常检测的基础,首先提出了网络流行为模式的概念,给出了利用行为模式对网络流进行分类的思想,然后设计出一个高效准确的分类算法,实现对网络流的实时分类,为基于网络流的网络行为异常检测提供了依据。Abstract: The traffic behavior description is the basis of network anomaly detection.Traffic behavior pattern is defined in this paper to describe the network traffic and the flows are classified according to their behavior patterns.An algorithm is designed to provide a high efficiency and accurate classification in order to recognize and cluster the flow behavior in real time situation.This is the premise of the network traffic anomaly behav- ior diagnosis.