Identification of Dynamical Contact Parameters for Spindle-Tool Holder Interface Based on Frequency Response Functions
摘要: 主轴-刀柄结合部是主轴系统中的薄弱环节,直接影响机床的加工效率与工件表面质量,主轴-刀柄结合部的特征参数是评价主轴-刀柄系统连接性能的关键环节.基于频响函数的子结构耦合法是辨识主轴-刀柄结合部特征参数的有效辨识方法,以BT40型主轴-刀柄系统为研究对象,进行结合部特征参数的识别,采用最小二乘法对辨识模型进行求解,获得了不同拉刀力下刀柄-主轴结合部上不同位置的刚度,并对辨识结果进行了验证,研究结果将为刀柄系统的优化设计提供理论依据.Abstract: The interface of the spindle-tool holder is the most weakness structure in the system of spindle- tool holder. It affects the manufacturing efficiency and the surface quality of work piece. It is important to identify the dynamical contact parameters to evaluate the connectivity of the spindle-tool holder system. The paper advises a method to identify the dynamical contact parameters for spindle-tool holder interface based on frequency response functions. The least squares solution to solve model is used. With the spindle-tool holder system of BT40 as an example, it can get the frequency response functions through Ansys and identify the dynamical contact parameters for the spindle-tool holder interface. It can get the different stiffness on the different drawbar force and different position of the spindle-tool holder interface and the validation shows that identification of the dynamical contact parameters for spindle-tool holder interface with the proposed method is right. The research can provide a theoretical basis for the optimization of tool holder.