
    Probing the Developing Strategy of Energy Source Systems in China

    • 摘要: 运用灰色系统理论和专家库的方法对2050年中国能源的生产和消费量进行了预测,发现按目前的发展趋势,到2050年能源供需间的矛盾将加剧。为缓解这一矛盾,针对能源系统发展的高、低节能两方案,本文用模糊图论的方法肯定了前者。


      Abstract: Based on the grey system theory and expert-base, the production and consumption of energy sources in China are forecast There fore, according to pressent tendency', the contradiction is pelting sharper and sharper from now on to 2050 year. And then in order to mitigate the contradiction, a proposal is made that the scheme of high energy-saving be used for the development of China's energy system. This is demonstrated with the Fuzzy Graphic Theory.


