
    Performance Evaluation and Technical Requirements of Asphalt Pavement Crack Seal Band

    • 摘要: 为了评价沥青路面裂缝贴缝带的路用性能, 进行了裂缝修补工程试验及跟踪观测, 结果表明:贴缝带施工效率高、次生病害少、路用性能良好.针对贴缝带的3种主要失效模式, 参考交通行业密封胶标准和相关企业标准, 提出了锥入度、软化点、拉拔和低温拉伸等4个评价方法.收集了6种贴缝带样品进行室内试验, 根据试验结果, 参考加热型密封胶的技术要求, 提出了相应的技术要求.


      Abstract: In order to evaluate in-situ performance of asphalt pavement crack seal band, crack filling practice and field investigation were conducted. The investigation results show that seal band technology has not only high construction efficiency but also less secondary disease and good performance. Based on three primary failure modes of seal band, four evaluation indices including penetration cone, softening point, pull-out and low-temperature extension test were proposed, by reference of Chinese hot-applied sealant specification of transportation industry and related enterprise standards. Six seal band samples were tested, according to the test results and the technical requirements of hot-applied sealant, the technical requirements of the evaluation indices were presented.


