
    Substance Flow Analysis of Lead in China

    • 摘要: 从铅的生产、铅制品的加工制造、铅制品的使用和废杂铅的处理等阶段详细地阐述了铅循环的“STAF (stocks and flows)”物质流分析模型.运用此模型分析了2006年我国铅的社会存量变化及其流动状况,并且计算出2000—2006年几项重要指标的平均值分别为:生产阶段的原料自给率PZ=79.28%;生产阶段使用废杂铅的比例PS=19.08%;加工制造阶段的原料自给率MZ=148.91%;加工制造阶段使用废杂铅的比例MS=30.25%;矿石指数R=0.834 9;废铅指数S=0.194 9.在此基础上总结了我国在铅资源循环利用方面的不足,并对铅工业的发展和资源的循环利用提出建议.


      Abstract: In this paper the flow of lead in China,2006,was traced within the STAF model, and the situation of production,consumption and recycling of lead resources in China were introduced.The SFA is performed on lead flows during its one-year life cycle in detail,and several main average indexes from 2000 to 2006 were calculated as following: PZ=79.28%,PS=19.08%,MZ=148.91%,MS=30.25%,R=0.834 9 and S=0.194 9.Based on the result,the substance flow analysis of lead from 2000 to 2006 has been conducted,and the disadvantages of China in the field of copper resources' recycling were summarized,and some suggestions were put forward for the development of lead industry and the recycling of resources.


