
    Single-wheel Robots With Yaw Ability

    • 摘要: 针对现有文献对基于独轮机器人的动力学方程得到的状态空间方程有较多不足, 其为了简化计算忽略了很多耦合因素的影响, 导致系统不可控的问题, 在深入分析独轮机器人动力学方程的基础上得到了其状态空间方程, 并对各耦合项系数进行修正, 确保了系统的可控性.通过设计LQR控制器实现了对独轮机器人的自平衡及偏航控制, 并通过仿真和物理实验进行验证, 设计了抗干扰实验.结果表明:所得出的状态空间方程是正确的.


      Abstract: There are some mistakes in the state eqution derived by the dynamic equation by omitting many coupling factors for the sake of simpleness, which is not consistent with the practice, since the system is not controllable. Based on the dynamic equation, and combined with the practice, this paper gives out the modified state equation, making sure that it is controlable. A LQR controller is designed to stabilize the single-wheel robot (SWR) and to make it yaw. To test the robustness of the system, twostep disturbances were applied on the lateral and longitudinal direction, respectively. Both the simulation and the experiment results verify the modified state equation, which lays the fundation for further advanced control algrothim to be performed on the SWR.


