
    Application of Varying Stiffness Method in Machining Chatter Control

    • 摘要: 提出了一种变刚度颤振控制理论,并为了在镗削加工中采用变刚度理论控制颤振,采用电流变材料设计了一刚度可在线调控的智能型镗杆.实验与分析表明,所提出的变刚度颤振控制方法可以有效地抑制切削加工颤振的发生,而且具有控制方法容易实现和系统结构简单的优点.


      Abstract: To propose a varying stiffness theory for on-line chatter control and design an intelligent boring bar which can regulate and control stiffness on line using an electrorheological fluid. The experimental results show the effectiveness of this method. Compared with other chatter control methods, this method possesses some merits including the simplicity of the system structure and the easiness of the implementation.


