Group Membership Management Protocol for the Cluster Checkpoint
摘要: 针对基于多节点环形备份结构的机群检查点间保持一致状态视图的问题, 基于机群网络通信可靠高效的前提, 设计并实现了一套面向机群检查点的组管理协议.定义了检查点进程组结构及成员状态视图, 设计了检查点加入、退出及失效处理协议, 并给出了协议实现的关键技术.性能测试结果表明, 该协议运行导致的系统开销较小, 具有简洁、高效的特点.Abstract: In order to tackle the issue of keeping the consistent member view among the cyclic backup-based cluster checkpoints, a group membership management protocol is proposed for the cluster checkpoints with the precondition of the reliable communication among cluster nodes.Roles in the group and the member view is defined, and a set of protocols for the checkpoint member joining, quitting and failure are designed.Key issues in the implementation of the group membership management protocol are discussed.Experimental results show that the protocol costs a little overheads and is proved to be efficient.