
    A Computer Card for Generating Various Bioelectricity Sjgnals

    • 摘要: 借助于计算机技术和数字合成技术,研制了多种电生理信号模拟发生卡,此卡由一块插在PC机扩展槽中的D/A转换卡和配套软件及数据文件组成,可以发生ECG、EOG、脉搏波等多种电生理模拟信号以及其它各种函数波形及非标准的多种波形,作为模拟信号源,可用于各种仪器的调试.


      Abstract: A card of computer hardwear which can simulate the sources of varied bioelectricity signals is developed.This card can provide a variety of signals,such as ECG,EOG…and so on,which,together with corresponding software and data-files,may help to modulate medical equipments when inserted into the expansion channel of the personal computer.


