
    Generalized Principles of Action for Coupled Thermo-Elasticity Theory

    • 摘要: 在新型热流势能密度和热流余能密度的基础上,采用拉氏乘子法及基于变分条件、变分约束条件和一般约束条件之间的匹配关系,建立了一系列新型耦合热弹性理论的广义作用量原理。后些广义作用量原理是用近似法与数值法求解耦合热弹性理论问题的理论基础。


      Abstract: Based on new potential and complementary energy densities of coupled thermo-elasticity, we have established a series of generalized principles of action for coupled thermo-elasticity, making use of Lagrange multiplier method and the match relation.between the variational conditions, the variational constraint conditions and the general constraint conditions. These generalized principles of action lay the foundation theoretically for approximate and numerical methods of solving the problems of coupled thermo-elastieity theory.


