Research on Definition and Estimation of Traffic Conflict at Intersections
摘要: 应用交通冲突技术评价平面交叉口交通安全依赖于该技术的标准化,在研究汽车交通国家交通冲突标准化的基础上,结合分析平面交叉口混合交通特性,从交通冲突的定义、分类、冲突调查时间和地点选择以及观测人员选择、样本要求等方面,对交通冲突技术在我国平面交叉口交通安全评价上的标准化程序进行了研究.Abstract: The successful applying of Traffic Conflict Technique(TCT) depends on its standard program. Based on reviewing many references and analysing characteristics of mixed traffic at intersections, some problems of traffic conflict standard program using for traffic evalution is studied, which include the definition, classification, observational time and location, training and dependability of observer as well in this paper through applying TCT on intersections.