Theoretical Analysis and Clinic Experiment for the Relationship between Pulse Contour Parameter of Human Body and Physiological Parameters
摘要: 从理论和大量临床实测中得出:人体脉搏波形参数K值将随血管外周阻力和血管壁硬化程度的增加而增加。对于健康的中青年人,由于其外周阻力较小、血管壁弹性较好,其K值一般在0.35~0.4之间;而对于高血压的中老年人,其K值将增至0.4~0.5左右。由于K值变化明显,且简明易记,因而可将K值作为诊断心血管外周阻力和血管壁硬化程度的一个重要生理指标。Abstract: The pulse contour parameter K is a very important physiological index, It has been found that K does not have a unique value at each pressure and depends only on the pulse contour, In this paper the relationship between contour parameter of human body and physiological parameters is discussed in detail. It is pointed out that for young healthy persons the K is below 0.35-0.4, but for those suffering from hypertension or peripheral arteriosclerosis it is above 0.4-0.5. The results of the study have found that the pulse contour parameter K is very important in the assessment of cardiovascular diseases.