Credit System Data Warehouse Model
摘要: 阐述了征信业务的特点及组成,研究了如何利用CRM理论设计个人征信业务的数据模型,提出了以客户为中心的数据仓库模型.该模型适合个人征信的业务应用,在此基础上,对该模型根据征信业务数据整合的特点进行了扩充,形成了个人征信业务数据仓库模型,并提出了征信业务数据仓库一般模型.实践表明,该模型能有效地运用于征信业务的相关应用.Abstract: This paper firstly introduced the credit business,then used CRM data warehouse base data model to design a personal credit data model.The authors found that the CRM data warehouse base data model satisfied the requirement of personal credit business basically.We continued to modify the data model according to the character of credit business,and established the personal credit data warehouse data model.Finally a credit data warehouse data base model was constructed.